COCKTAIL It's like a cocktail with you? It's like a cocktail with you? It's like a cocktail with you? It's like a cocktail with you? 眩しい太陽赤く染まる夕暮れ いつものように君に電話するんだ 今日は何をしてるの お決まりのquestionさ つき合った頃から変わってないねbaby 君のこと想えば何処にいても 今すぐ会いたくなる 今夜ふたりが見つめ合い解け合うまで 酔わせてよbaby It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? Tell me if wanna got it Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? For you my sweet cocktail グラスに映る***y girl なにもかもが素敵さ 独り占めしたいんだ I know 真夜中の世界 僕の理性だって限界 あふれ出す感情は 誰にも止められない ありふれた言葉も君の声で 僕を夢中にさせるんだ 甘い吐息がheartに火をつけたんだ 消せないよbaby It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? It's like a cocktail with you You you got it? Tell me if wanna got it I still love it love it and You wanna drink it drink it more just tonight And just tell me tell me If you wanna dream it dream it more just tonight Sweet love 君と夢をみたいんだ Stay gold 永遠のmy love Romantic cocktail 酔いたい君と本当のアイに酔いたい もう離しはしないさ最後の日まで It's like a cocktail with you It's like a cocktail with you It's like a cocktail with you It's like a cocktail with you It's like a cocktail with you Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you? Hey do it do do do it yeah Hey do it It's like a cocktail with you?