Good(Samoan Attorney Mix) (chika/hajime) Ohayo gozaimasu Konnichi wa America karete ureshii desu Gokigen yo Sayonara May i smoke? Yes, of course. Good day, sir! How are you? How much is it? I don't understand. Goodbye, sir, See you soon! Please Thank you Please Thank you Good morning How are you? We're happy to be back from america We're doing fine Goodbye... How do you do? How do you do? How are you? I'm fine! What are you doing? I am singing What did you do today? I did a soundcheck Nice to meet you... See you again... Nice to meet you... See you again... Come again soon! Yes, i'm sure Say hello to mama Yes i will Oh what's the matter? Mmm, nothing What's the problem? It's okay, I'm sorry... See you later... I'm sorry... See you later... Un, deux, trois, quatre... Na na na na na na na na Have a nice day Same to you What time baby? 9 o'clock Gonna have a good time? I miss you How do you think about it? I don't know! I'm happy... How i love you... I'm happy... How i love you... Puis-je fumer? Oui, bien sûr Bonjour, monsieur! Comment allez-vous? C'est combien? Je ne comprends pas Au revoir, monsieur A bientôt! Sil vous plait... Merci beaucoup... Sil vous plait... Merci beaucoup... Good, good, good, good, Good!