L.L.L. 作词 : MYTH & ROID 作曲 : MYTH & ROID Don't you give me your love and passion? (Believe in love, even though There're borders and disturbance and more I'm the only one who loves you Because I'm crazy about you) Let's ride to hell. 追従してGo 一緒なら寧ろ死にたいじゃない Beyond the line 果てなんかない I swear, I'm gonna be so fxxking grateful Blessing word 貴方は至高 命令に Your highness 忠実にFollow You give orders 渡しはしない 何より尊い存在(もの)よ You don't know why my love is crying 凝着したい 過剰なくらい 永遠(とわ)になりたい Don't wanna cry 嫉妬妄想狂いそうよ Don't you give me your love and passion? 愛とは暴動衝動 Let go 精神(こころ)以上に本能、心臓(ハート)まで More 要求したい I don't want to live in a world without you 貴方以外のこの未来を Kill it, kill it I would be happy to kill it for my love Go till the end 視線は Lock 遮られずに遂げたい願い Straight to you 純心は Fly Above the star and sun… so fxxking wonderful Hey, get out 冗談じゃない 視界の Dirty は排除してTrash Kick them out 容赦など無い 誰より譲れぬ存在(もの)よ I'm in the dark, can't see your eyes 暗い視えない 孤独は痛い 共に居たい No more. Time! 窒息もう苦しいよ Won't you come and bold me tight 愛とは純情結晶 Get all 想像以上の恩情、Hardな応え要望してる I wanna make it with you, baby 貴方の愛を得られるなら Risk it, risk it I'm gonna risk it all what's for two of us ..music.. 狂う 愛憎模様 Marble に溶解して One and all、融合 焦燥さえも 形状は悲壮 自由に細胞単位で You don't know why my love is crying 凝着したい 過剰なくらい 永遠(とわ)になりたい Don't wanna cry 抱擁してよもっと Don't you give me your love and passion? 貴方の全て頂戴 理由なんて要らない 唯愛し愛されてたい I don't want to live in a world without you 貴方以外何も要らない Get it, get it I can't resist it. Get it for my love I'll spend my life for loving you Kill it, kill it (I'm imaging now. if you're mine, It's like a paradise and haven and more You're the only man who I love In my life and destiny and all) Don't you give me your love and passion? I know the border. It should be wrecked, go