Flower of Life "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... 嗚呼、耳元で爽やかに夏の足音 空は青く高く 嗚呼、大地から立ち込める薫り集めて 日傘ふわり開く また出会いと別れ廻る恋の季節 恋とは儚く美しく 太陽よりも眩しい笑顔の花 今こそ此処に咲かせましょう。 嗚呼、足許でいたずらに揺れる夏草 日差し浴びて強く 嗚呼、そよそよと南風運ぶ思い出 ひとり胸を焦がす また今年も廻り廻る恋の季節 心に芽生えた恋の花 太陽よりも眩しい笑顔浴びて 今こそ此処に咲かせましょう。 "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... いつかは終わりの来るその生命(いのち) 少しでも永くそばにいて… 心に大粒の雨が降った日は 抱きしめてキスをして 涙をそっと拭いてあげるから… また出会いと別れ廻る恋の季節 恋とは儚く美しく 太陽よりも眩しい笑顔の花 今こそ此処に咲かせましょう。 また今年も廻り廻る恋の季節 心に芽生えた恋の花 太陽よりも眩しい笑顔浴びて 今こそ此処に咲かせましょう。 "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"... "the sky, the earth, the sun, a wind, and a little rain are necessary but your smile for me any more let's be with me together during summer"...