smile After all, we are all alone I think such a sunny day especially. giving up every, everything You'll laugh at such a wimpy guy like me.Yes, I know... (うたう とどく ひかる かざす つどう はじく まもる まよう ふれる こわす つのる さけぶ) all of these you gave me (わらう ゆれる あがく いのる ほどく やぶく なげる ながす はしる はれる わらいとばす!) so many times these echo inside me smile! Why don't you start by smile! we can never understand what someone is really feeling. yes, I know that. but sometimes I think that we could be more considerate to other people, really it's not really that hard as you think it's easy finally you and me together so... smile! 「smile」 词曲:wac 歌:miru_maki beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD -終わり-