ESCALATE 「ESCALATE」 作曲∶ARIA Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom!(Kind of, Like of) Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom!(I gotta) Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom! Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom! 過剰だなんて思わない 終わんないまだまだEscalate! (Take it No Mo, 'Cause it's No No, Gotta know All) (Mo!One mo! Mo!One mo!) つきあって朝までEveryday 気持ちまだまだEscalate (Take it No Mo, 'Cause it's No No, Gotta know All) ほら指先からまたTicTicTic 確かめたいからTapTapTap I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, まさかEscalate, No way!! (wow wow woh) I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, ようこそEscalate, don't stop (wow wow woh) Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop! time out なんてないevery night 止まんないまだまだEscalate (Gotta show me your love, What up! Kore Yabow Now! Haaaaaa Ha!Ha!) (Mo!One mo! Mo!One mo!) 勘は鋭 い方なの 気分次第飛び乗るEscalate (Take it No Mo, 'Cause it's No No, Gotta know All) ほら指先からまたTicTicTic 確かめたいからTapTapTap I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, まさかEscalate, No way!! (wow wow woh) I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, ようこそEscalate, don't stop すれ違うことも お互い様でしょ? 選んだのはあなた そちらのほうへ いけるもんならどうぞご自由にお進みください I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, まさかEscalate, No way!! (wow wow woh) I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, 忘れないでねmmmm ルールはあたしだって事 I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, まさかEscalate, No way!! (wow wow woh) I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day, ようこそEscalate, daont stop ! (wow wow woh) Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom Till the bre! ak of da wn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom Till the break of dawn dawn You'd better hurry chop chop boom! 【 おわり 】