Heritors of Arcadia On an ocean of stars Lo, an angel they see Untouched by the war that they waged Laid low by their scars A people wounded but free Seek what lies beyond this dark age The seasons they turn, winter to spring Dulling the pain and erasing the sting The seasons turn, summer to fall Time's warm embrace begins to heal all On the wild at first light The jasper lion will run Hark, an anthem he drums, can you hear? The people fresh from the night Rise and listen as one The land that they were promised is near And though I am gone, just ash in the wind One life surrendered so yours can begin Courage my children, this is your song I am the earth, I will make you strong The world riven by pride repaired at last And now its makers can be at rest Our visions come to pass The seasons they turn, memory fades But when my name has been lost to the grave I will sustain you year after year I will protect you when dangers appear And though I am gone, just ash in the wind One life surrendered so yours can begin Courage my children, this is your song I am the earth, I will make you strong