Tell me who you are and who you were How much have you been paid? Take it easy R.E.L.A.X Would you like to have something to drink? \"To tell the truth, in this contract I don't care about anything except me\" \"Just want the cash, transferred to my account\" Because it will make me feel alright \"I'm busy, dizzy, and lazy\" I got global eyes and a growing mind \"Above all, I'm wise and very well organized\" Made a compromise Watch me rise high for the one last time See how my connection works Information goes back and forth Sit beside the windows and all I do is watch the shadow grow longer\" \"Linger, for better, you'll never know what internal decadence means\" He's got an opinion and posted suggestion but never reveals his name \"Read by someone, taken as a good one but nobody knew who had wrote it\" Few lines of the sentences lie Anonymity is annoying me all the time \"It's like \"\"2 channnel\"\