SHINING OVER YOU You were the love Ive always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are Ill be there High up on the moon Shining over you あふれるくらい君へ数えきれない愛を 重ね合う歳月ささやかな恋を 雨に濡れ絶やさぬように そこからどれくらい流されている? You were the love Ive always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are Ill be there High up on the moon Shining over you 永遠に彩る四季を信じていた明日を この目には二度と映せはしないから いつの日も祈っている 君へと輝きが降り注ぐように You were the love Ive always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are Ill be there High up on the moon Shining over you さよなら