One (Live From Mexico 1997) Is it getting better? 你覺得好了沒? Or do you feel the same? 你是不是還是老樣子呢? Will it make it easier on you now? 是否感覺到比較自在? You got someone to blame 當有人可以責備的時候 You say 你說 One love 真愛只有一種 One life 生活就是如此 When it's one need in the night 可是夜裡卻有另一股慾望在蔓延 One love 真愛 We get to share it 雖然你我可以共享 Leaves you baby if you 但如果你漫不經心 Don't care for it 你最珍愛的亦會離你而去 Did I disappoint you? 我讓你失望了嗎? Or leave a bad taste in your mouth? 是否在你嘴裡留下了難聞的味道? You act like you never had love 彷彿你未曾愛過 And you want me to go without 竟也要我抹去這愛的痕跡 Well it's Too late Tonight 這夜已太深 To drag the past out into the light 不適合舊事重提 We're one, but we're not the same 我們身上雖然流有相同的血液,可是我們又如此不同 We get to Carry each other Carry each other One 我們注定要彼此承擔、彼此承擔,因為那同樣的血液 Have you come here for forgiveness? 你是來這裡乞求原諒嗎? Have you come to raise the dead? 還是來這裡尋求永恆? Have you come here to play Jesus? 是來扮演耶穌? To the lepers in your head 好治療你心中的苦痛嗎? Did I ask too much? 我是否問了太多 More than a lot. 不該問的問題? You gave me nothing, 你從未帶給我什麼 Now it's all I got 但此刻我卻擁有的全部 We're one But we're not the same 我們身上雖流著同樣的血液,可是我們並不相同 We get to Hurt each other Then we do it again 因此我們不斷重覆互相傷害的過程 You say Love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love is a higher law 你說愛是一座聖殿,是種神秘的支配 You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl 你允許我進入之後卻又強迫我臣服 And I can't keep holding on To what you got When all you've got is hurt 我無法再承擔你的一切,因為你給我的只有傷害 One love One blood One life You got to do what you should 真愛只有一種,像天性無法改變 生活就是如此,你必須盡本份 One life With each other Sisters and my Brothers 生命應該與眾人一起分享,四海一家 生活的定義雖然如此,可是每個人都不盡相同 One life But we're not the same We get to Carry each other Carry each other One One 因此我們注定要彼此承擔、彼此承擔 因為我們流著同樣的血液 愛讓我們合而為一