Land Of Canaan (Prelude) Land of Canaan Noah cursed Canaan to live as a servant Teshub was angered and the storm was sweeping through the land Land of Gods of wind and sea Of purple dawns (and) fertility (Interlude) I want to see the Great Kings rule again I want to grow the grapes for the canaanites I want to sail upon the seven seas I want to see the old gods rule again I want to make the wine for the canaanites I want to sail upon the seven seas I want to see the Great Kings rule again (They Were) Founders of towns And the founders of states Punic Phoenicians Praise of El Elyon, mighty God of the skies He's the Father of Man O El, Father of Man O Father of Man O Father of time El Elyon El, Anath and Baal O Astarte you're naked with a Lily (And you're) Holding a serpent( O Baal-Shamem, Lord of Heaven Giver of rain, (the) one who prevails Son of Dagon You're the thunder with a spearhead El, Anath and Baal O Astarte you're naked with a Lily (And you're) Holding a serpent O Baal-Shamem, bring back again the peace of Canaan You raise your spear and silence the man You're the thunder with a spearhead Qudshu Anath, Shalim, El, Baal Aliyan Holy Virgin, bringer of peace, Shalim May all the gods Break the curse of Canaan Qudshu Anath, Shalim, El, Ball Aliyan Land of Canaan, (the) Son of Ham Red hot and purple, close to Land of Khem From the sea to Jordan They will travel in the name of gods (Visit the) temples of Ugarit Honour gods under the cedar trees (They) showed a path through The seas before unknown in the history Guided by (the) Polar Star Into a phoenician galaxy [Chrous] [Huming] Sail on the sea, come to me Through the night Pass through the gate And steer your course Until you reach the gods Enter the sky take a step Make them see when you arrive Go all the way until you reach the gods Baal-Shamem, El Elyon The pantheon of the canaanites (We enter the land, the Land of Canaan. We break the old curse of the son of Ham and steer to the stars, the sphere of Dagon)