Add Some Music To Your Day (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster) The sunday mornin gospel goes good with the soul There's blues folk and country and rock like a rollin stone The world could come together as one If everybody under the sun Add some music to your day Add some music add some add some music to your day A bob didit a bop didit You'll hear it while you're walkin by a neighbor's home You'll hear it faintly in the distance when you're on the phone You're sittin'in a dentist's chair And they've got music for you there To add some musi Add some music add some add some music to your to your day A bob didit a bop didit Add some music music everywhere add some music Add some add some add some add some music add some music Your doctor knows it keeps you calm Your preacher adds it to his psalms So add some music Add some music add some add some music to your to your day Music Add some music add some music When you're alone Add some music add some music Is like a companion Add some music add some music For your lonely soul When day is over when day is over I close my tired eyes I close my tired Music is in my soul At a movie you can feel it touching your heart And on every day of the summertime You'll hear children chasing ice cream carts They'll play it on your wedding day There must be 'bout a million ways To add some music Add some music add some add some music to your to your day Add some music to your day Add some music to your day Add some music to your day Add some music to your day Add some music to your day