She Smells So Nice man, the first woman know she smells so niceand she looks so good i gotta zip up once or twicewell i've been downup and upup and downin 99, but i love my womanlike the sun goes upshe's the sweetest little womanwhen she wakes upcome on, now rightnow you walk aroundand you thinking that you're so thoughi see you walking aroundyou think that you're so thoughwell you got some thing momma,but it's not enoughi'm going homei'm going home and lay downi'm going home, babyi'm going home and lay downgonna switch on the televisioni'm gonna drown, yeahwell it's a long time cominglong time coming, long time cominglong time coming, long time comingbut when you find her babyyou know you found something goodwhen you find somebody now,don't leave it no good