Doom & Gloom (Live) I had a dream last night 昨晚我做了個夢 That I was piloting a plane 夢見我開著飛機 And all the passengers were drunk and insane 所有的乘客通通都在發酒瘋 I crash landed in a Louisiana swamp 結果墜毀在路易斯安那州的沼澤地 Shot up a horde of zombies 結果開槍打著一大群殭屍 But I come out on top 不過我倒是佔了上風 What's it all about? 這個夢到底代表甚麼? It just reflects my mood 我想這只是反映著我的心境而已 Sitting in the dirt 浸濡在骯髒的世界 Feeling kind of hurt 感受著那樣的傷痛 Aaaaall I hear is doooom and gloom 所有我聽到的都是死亡和憂愁 And aaaaall is darkness in my room 黑暗壟罩在我的房間裡 Through the light your face I see 我看到一道光灑在你的臉上 Baby take a chance 寶貝,給自己一個機會 Baby won't you dance with meeeeee 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? Lost all that treasure in an overseas war 異國的戰爭失去了珍貴的一切 It just goes to show you don't get what you paid for 但那只是證明了你所付出的卻沒得到該有的回報 Battle to the rich and you worry about the poor 你該擔心的是更多的征戰造成更多的窮困 Put my feet up on the couch 我把腳翹在沙發上 And lock all the doors 並鎖上了所有的門窗 Hear a funky noise 聽著流行音樂 That's the tightening of the screeeeews 就跟拴緊的螺絲一樣緊繃 I'm feeling kind of hurt 我感受著那樣的傷痛 Sitting in the dirt 浸濡在骯髒的世界 Aaaaall I hear is doooom and gloom 所有我聽到的都是死亡和憂愁 But when those drums go boom boom boom 但是當這些鼓聲咚咚響起時 Through the night your face I see 我看見夜色的黑暗襲擊了你的臉龐 Baby take a chance 寶貝給自己一個機會 Baby won't you dance with meeee 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? Yeah Baby won't you dance with meeee 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? Oh yeah Fracking deep for oil 這油井真他媽的深 But there's nothing in the sump 鑽到底了但卻沒有任何鬼東西在底部 There's kids all picking 那些小鬼頭撿拾著 Ar the garbage dumb 沒人要的垃圾 I'm running out of water 我要逃出這倘混水 So I better prime the pump 所以我最好加足我的馬力 I'm trying to stay sober 我試著讓自己保持清醒 But I end up drunk 但是最後還是醉了 We'll be eating dirt 我們吃著骯髒的食物 Living on the side of the roooaaad 且像遊民一樣住在道路旁 There's some food for thought 真是個耐人尋味的問題 Kind of makes your head explode 就像會搞得讓你腦袋爆開一樣 Feeling kind of hurt 承受著這樣的傷痛 Yeah But aaaall I hear is doooom and gloom 但是所有我聽到的都是死亡和憂愁 And aaaaall is darkness in my room 黑暗壟罩在我的房間裡 Through the night your face I see 我看見夜色的黑暗襲擊了你的臉龐 Baby come on 寶貝來吧! Baby won't you dance with me 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? Yeah Yeah Baby won't you dance with me 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? I'm feeling kind of hurt 我感受著那些痛苦 Baby won't you dance with meeeee 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? Yeah Come on 來吧 Baby won't you dance with me 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎? I'm sitting in the dirt 我浸濡在這骯髒的世界 Baby won't you dance with me!!! 寶貝,你不要跟我一起跳舞嗎!!