I Love You More Than Football I've been a postman, A salesman, I spent two months in prison For non-payment of taxes I was never forgiven I wanna make an honest living and do right By myself I gotta make things right for my unhappy wife And I know every trick in this God foresaken book And I have to confess that I've made a lousy husband And the only way that I can say sorry is I can't believe what I'm saying But don't you know I love you more than football I promised the kids a day at the beach They were all dressed and ready With their buckets and spades But I was flat on my back in Some pee-stained alley Covered in puke feeling sorry for myself And I know every trick in this God foresaken book And I have to confess that I've made a lousy husband And the only way that I can say sorry is I can't believe what I'm saying But don't you know I love you more than football And I know every trick in this God foresaken book And I have to confess that I've made a lousy husband And the only way that I can say sorry is I love you more than football Don't you know I love you more than football