The Conqueror Worm (By Edgar Allan Poe) Lo! Tis a gala night 看!这是个狂欢的晚上, Within the lonesome latter years! 在凄凄凉凉的暮年! An Angel throng, bewinged, bedight 有群蝉翼仙子,脸上 In veils, and drownd in tears, 蒙着轻纱,热泪涟涟, Sit in a theatre, to see 端坐戏院里,观看 A play of hopes and fears. 一出恐惧和希望交织的悲剧, While the orchestra breathes fitfully 乐队时作时辍地奏出 The music of the spheres. 飘飘渺渺的天外仙曲。 Mimes, in the form of God on high, 丑角乔扮凌霄的天帝, Mutter and mumbe low, 咕哝不停,声音低低, And hither and thither fly- 飞东飞西地往返无常, Mere puppets they, who come and go 只是傀儡,横冲直撞, At bidding of vast formless things 听凭无形巨掌牵上牵下。 That shift the scenery to and fro, 无形巨掌瞬息换景, Flapping out their Condor wings 扑扑秃鹰翅膀,飞降 Invisible Wo! 灾祸,看不清! That motley dram - oh be shure 这出戏真是五光十色! It shall not be forgot! 啊,常记心头。千万莫忘! With it′s phantom cheased for evermore, 人群不停追逐“幻影”, By a crowd that seize it not, 伸手捕捉,永远失望, Through a circle that ever returneth in 绕圈回旋地兜来转去, The self-same spot, 始终回到同一地方, And much of Madness, and more of Sin 剧中情节多的是恐惧和罪恶, And Horror the soul of the plot. 有的是疯狂。 But see, amid the mimic rout 看呵,一条横行爬虫, A crowling shape intrude! 闯进欢乐的小丑群中, A blood-red thing that writhes from out 浑身猩红,直往前冲, The scenic solitude! 扭出舞台僻角中! It writhes!--It writhes!--with mortal pangs 折腾蠢动!一声哀吟, The mimic become it′s food, 可怜丑角霎时丧身, And the angels sob ar virmin fangs 座上女神泣不成声, In human gore imbued. 蠕虫的毒牙鲜血淋淋。 Out-out are the lights-out all! 灯火转暗,一一隐熄! And, over each quevering form, 好似棺套罩上灵枢, The curtain, the funeral pall, Comes down with the rush of a storm, 帷幕势比骤雨,倏地落下, And the angels, all palid and wan, 脸色刷白,双目茫茫, Uprising, unveiling, affirm 仙子摘下轻纱,纷纷起身, And the play is the tragedy, "Man" 公认台上悲剧名唤“人生”, And it′s hero is the Conqueror Worm. 主角便是“毒蛊霸王”