It'll Get You There All the trips that you take, they will get you there All the little white pills you take, they will get you there All the compliments that you take, they will get you there All the hearts that you break, they will get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there All the hostages that you take, they will get you there All the hands that you shake, they will get you there All the conman that you fake, it’ll will get you there All the hearts that you break, they will get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there I will get you there All the pennies that you save, they will get you there All the hearts that you break, they will get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there It’ll get you there I will get you there