Mind Your Manners I got an unfortunate feelin` I've been beatin` down I feel I don't believe And now the truth is comin` out. What they're takin` is more than a vow They're takin` your innocents And then they throw them on a pile a (mile) high. (in a live performance) Along they're sayin` Mind your manners That I needed god And it it's out there somewhere We sure could use him now Try my patience My patience tried This world's alone, not dead And that makes me wanna cry Along they're sayin` Mind your manners S'all they're sayin` Self realized and metaphysically redeemed May not live another life May not solve all mystery Right around the corner could be bigger than ourselves We could will it to the sky Or we could something else And along sayin` Mind your manners Always prayin` Self realized and metaphysically redeemed May not live another life May not solve all mystery Right around the corner could be bigger than ourselves We could will it to the sky Or we could something else Go to heaven That's swell You do you like it? Live in (Livin`) hell! (you decide)