Something Special DAVE What am I now? Another boy becoming man who wants to change who's not afraid I've had to run from boring streets and bitter priests from smoking gun and stern parade For when you're living on your own without a girlfriend or a home people speculate but I'm much stronger than them I want to be something special I want to be something special Now I play the London game A hand-to-mouth existence 'til someone calls my name I want it now My chance has come and I will grab it just to change the way I am I understand the plans you make the risks you take the way you can when you're a man And if I sometimes have to do the things I've always wanted to I won't shy away Because I'm much harder than that I want to be something special I want to be something special Now I play the London game A hand-to-mouth existence 'til someone calls my name I want to be something special I want to be something special