Sharpest Blade There was a time I could sleep anywhere­­— My feet on a chair, My heart in the woods; But love was aloof, Just a beggar for tips A mime on whose lips No promises stood But you can cut me quick In the light of the shade, With the edge of the green Of the yard's sharpest blade; When nothing I knew Was all that it seemed I still dreamed Of a love to outlive us I still prayed That this night would outlast us And redeem some small thing Far beyond me Blossoms begin Like the tip of a spear, Or the curve of a tear From a soldier who weeps; Seducing the guard Of lost years falling by­­— As flowers to lie On the dead feigning sleep But you cut me quick In the light of the shade, On the edge of the green Of the yard's dark parade; When nothing we knew Was all that it seemed I still dreamed Of a love to outlive us I still prayed That this night would forgive us And redeem some small thing Far beyond me But you cut me quick In the light of the shade, On the edge of the green Of the yard's sharpest blade; When nothing we knew Was all that it seemed I still dreamed Of a love to outlive us I still prayed That this night will convince us And redeem some small thing Far beyond me