Edge Of Madness I realize I should have never of been born In this world, where money talks The honesty of systems can be won Where the power of knowledge is lighter than lies We're closing our eyes How could we be so blind, that we can't see what's going on [Chorus:] The (whole) worlds (on) an edge of madness It's burning down with frustration We're never satisfied, it's never enough We cant get enough Trying hard to make an extra buck To roll ourselvs in ?? ?? So we have whatever we can take Lighted by the darker side A disease that burns through our minds.. [Chorus x2] Its never enough... (I realize i should of never been born) (The honesty of systems can't be won) The whole worlds on an edge of madness Its burning down with frustration We're never satisfied, it's never enough We can't get enough It's never enough...