Green Street Green (written by G. Stephens ) (transcribed by Per Weber) If you磛e got a pack of trouble Waying on your worried mind If you tend to see things double And you can磘 turn wind Take a trip to green street green Get yourself a little scene Everything is kind of groovy Down at green street green. Situated north of Nancy Just a little east of west People there do what they fancy Dressed in fancy dress. So take a trip to green street green And get yourself a little scene Everything is kind of groovy Down at green street green. There磗 a man with a band under the trees Giving out the greatest sound While the birds and the bees everywhere Go buzz- buzz- buzzing around So on a met to be an evening Hustled up for one way fare Organise your time of leaving A bus will take you there All the way to green street green And get yourself a little scene Everything is kind of groovy Down at green street green. Everything is kind of groovy Down at green street green.