Dense Water, Deeper Down (Live) Why does he open me Only to shut me out again Guess that's just him I wouldn't take it from another man Guess he needs time To trust me right So I can't let him kiss me good night. 'Cause he has my heart In the palm of his hands Can't get it back Though I tried all I can He's just so sweet From his head to his feet And if he won't love me I'm in deep He has me singing 'Scarborough Fair' About a man who is so frightened of a love affair He sets hard tasks So that his love can pass And ends up lonely till at last Oh he's dense water deeper down. He makes me forget everything my mother warned I think about him every night And I fall asleep Holding my pillow tight He has my love In the palm of his hand His gentle touch Made me scream out loud His wicked kiss Made me feel bliss And he's the only love I miss Oh he's dense water deeper down. He makes me forget everything my mother warned I think about him every night And I fall asleep Holding my