Tic-Toc One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock where when we never stop One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock where when we never stop Got to hurry up No time for breakfast in bed The clock goes tic toc toc I'll fix my made-up instead The clothes are all around And I have nothing to wear It's going tic toc toc I have to do my hair Oh I only wish I had a little time I'm going crazy Shopping, Talking on the phone my favorite line Making me happy One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock where when we never stop 亲爱的笨萝卜,你自己保重啊 I'm so busy makes me as busy as spinning around The clock goes tic toc toc My wallet is upside down Running out the door Oh dear I am already late The clock goes tic toc toc I have to get on my way Oh I only wish I had a little time I'm going crazy Shopping, Talking on the phone my favorite line Making me happy One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock where when we never stop Tic toc tic toc oh~~~ tic toc tic toc Clock's taking much to fair tic toc tic toc oh~~~ tic toc tic toc Say how can to make it blank God bless you all~!! One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock Making me happy One O'clock, Two O'clock All the seconds passing by Three Four Five o'clock Minutes go up to the sky Six Seven Eight o'clock To thee are we say goodbye Nine 'n' Ten o'clock where when we never stop