Swarm CONSUME ALL deplete the host entirely LEAVE NOTHING barren fossil orbiting SATURATE diminish possibility FOR REBIRTH deprived of fertility bled dry completely no longer flourishing EMPTY HARVEST LINGERING swarm crops devouring hollow fields yield nothing appetite exceeding OUT PLANET'S CAPACITY no remaining seed containing the components TO REPLENISH dissipating nature failing... all recourse IS EXHAUSTED THEY MUST FEED history repeats the migration CONSUMING causing a break in the food chain OVERWHELM famine spreads globally INCUBATE gestating in the deceased TILL THE CYCLE IS COMPLETE CONSUMING causing a break in the food chain OVERWHELM famine spreads globally INCUBATE gestating in the deceased THEY COME THEY EAT THEY LEAVE SWARMING!!!! THEY COME THEY EAT THEY LEAVE SWARMING!!!! THEY COME THEY EAT THEY LEAVE SWARMING!!!! THEY COME THEY EAT THEY LEAVE SWARMING!!!!