作曲 : 王嘉尔 In the upper room with Jesus Singing in tears blessed fears Daily there my sins confessing Beggin for his mercy sweet Trusting in his blessed power Seeking help in loving prayers Oh in there I feel real As I see with him the day In the upper room with Jesus Well I'm in the upper room With my Lord Oh with my Lord Well I'm in the upper room Oh I'm in the upper room With my Lord Hallelujah child In the upper room with Jesus Well I'm in the upper room With my Lord with my Lord Well I'm in the upper room Oh I'm in the upper room I'm with my Lord In the upper room With my Jesus In the upper room in the upper room I'm with my lord Yes with my Lord Oh I'm in in the upper room I'm in in the upper room Yes with my Lord Oh I'm in in the upper room I'm in in the upper room Yes I'm in in the upper room I'm with my Lord Oh yes I'm in in the upper room With my Jesus Well I'm in in the upper room I'm with my Lord Yes my Lord Oh I'm in in the upper room In the in the upper room I'm with my Lord With my Lord