Lay Your Head Down Lay your head down Lay your head down Lay your head down on me What is the state of your heart Is it concave Are you awake Sometimes when I cry I start to cry harder simply because I am crying Or because I know that in the world Somewhere there are little girls that are wearing tutus And singing Christmas songs Or because there are actual Shar Pei puppies that look like rolled up towels Or because on the internet you can find pictures of pigs in rain boots You can find anything on the internet That is so cool Or I cry because Sarah McLaughlin comes onto my TV And sings to animals that don't have homes **** you Sarah McLaughlin Just kidding I love you Sarah McLaughlin Sometimes I cry when cheese is really good Or when I've cut onions That's just human I cry when there is no end and I cry because there is an end And I cry because you love me so well And I cry because I gave my love to other people before you And I cry because I used to cry alone because I wanted to die I cry because the sunset is so beautiful on the Connecticut river I cry because I am scared I am losing my mind I cry because I'm on meds or because I forgot my meds or I'm crying for the fact I'm crying because I forgot my meds and does this mean actually myself And I am crying because maybe I am myself And that doesn't feel like enough Lay your head down Lay your head down Lay your head down on me What is the state of your heart Is it concave Are you awake I cry because sometimes my only power feels like tweeting a hashtag and that is so vapid and useless Or I cry because I am human and im connected and there is immense sadness in the world I cry because humanity is frightening because one person cosumed with self hatred and armed with one gun can kill an entire room of people I cry because shame propells so many of us I cry because so many people forget how important it is to cry or made to feel weak when they do I cry because I want to close my eyes I cry because I can't And I cry because there is also good There's also chocolate cake and love and Harry Potter And the brilliant gasps of magic of holding a hand And hammocks I love hammocks I cry because it is late in the Summer and all the fireflies are winking at me and the moon is out and it wants nothing from me I cry because my heart used to be an atlas with all the continents cut out I cry because I am full now and sure and say yes when I mean yes and no when I mean no and can love you with all of my breath I cry because I am so well Because I live so well And how could one person possibly be so fortunate to live with all of this light Lay your head down Lay your head down Lay your head down on me Lay your head down Lay your head down Lay your head down on me What is the state of your heart Is it concave Are you awake Stay awake Stay awake Stay awake