Finally Made It (Interlude) 作词 : Angelettie, Blige, Combs ... (It's not all about the money) It's not all about the money('Cause I love what I'm doin' for the people) I really love doin' my job, I really do(Don't know were I would be if this didn't happened) You know(But I finally made it) A lot of us don't graduate from high school A lot us don't get a shot at being a superstar A lot us don't get a chance to fulfill our dreams But I'm thinking like, "God, if I wasn't doing thisWhat would I be doing?" Probably like braiding hair Workin' at a super market, you know? Just hustlin' two jobs You know what I mean?At least tryin' to do the right thing I lost so much you know? I lost so, so much over the years 'cause like It's amazin' how when you decide that you wanna do Do the right thing and when I say, "I finally made it" Like I don't mean I made it, like successfully wit money I mean like, I'm spiritually successful right now Like I'm on a right track(Never give up, never give up, never) I'm on my way to like(Never give up) A place were I know(Never give up, never give up) I never dreamed were I would be and that's perfection(Ohh) I'm strivin' for that I don't think no one can ever be perfect but(Never give up) I'm strivin' again, strivin' against all things(Never give up, never)(Never give up, never give up, never give up, ohh) So what I'm saying to all my fans is"If I can do it, I know y'all can do it too"(Ohh)