The Interview (Album Version) [WALTER] Let's get that Sergievsky family video lined up, okay? We all want times in our careers When we make a little history Receive the plaudits of our peers Perhaps that time is here right now for me Ah! Anatoly, if I may Let me say right away You will be thrilled Because the other seat is filled By a long-standing friend of yours Action! [FREDDIE] Well, here we are face to face once again [ANATOLY] By any standards, a bizarre reunion! [FREDDIE] Is being homeless affecting your game? [ANATOLY] I wouldn't know, as I've a home in England [FREDDIE] No, by a home I mean real home The place where your family is [ANATOLY, spoken] England is my real home [FREDDIE] What are your latest political aims? [ANATOLY] What are you saying? [FREDDIE] Your anti-Russian crusade, has it worked? [ANATOLY] I'm no crusader [FREDDIE] What is your true motivation? That is something we all want to know [ANATOLY] You know damn well what my motivation is, okay? [FREDDIE] Here we see a man under great pressure Two fights to fight, yet he could not look fresher Chess and politics, I take my hat off To any champion who can pull that off I hear your second controls everything [ANATOLY] Chess is her passion [FREDDIE] But her obsession is East versus West [ANATOLY] Chess is her passion [FREDDIE] I know a little about her And she has got her own ax to grind [ANATOLY] That is not true [FREDDIE] Aren't you concerned that why your wife's not here? [ANATOLY] I don't discuss my private life in public [FREDDIE] But don't you care that she's not by your side? [ANATOLY] I think I've had enough of this discussion! [FREDDIE] Well, we've a little surprise We've got your wife on the video [WALTER] Run the video! [FREDDIE] Let her talk to you, give you her version How married life has changed since your desertion Hey, come back, my friend, we're only showing Home movies, nothing more -- where are you going? [WALTER] Great interview! [MOLOKOV] Bravo, Mr, de Courcy -- Walter! [WALTER, spoken] Ah, Alexander! [MOLOKOV] I am glad that old film did the trick. We are going to be able to help each other [WALTER] Heartwarming international cooperation [MOLOKOV] I have good news about Anatoly's lady friend. Florence Vassy's father is alive [WALTER] Really? Well, this is good news. Have you told her yet? [MOLOKOV] No, I was going to leave that pleasure to you. However, my friend, there is one thing [WALTER] Yes, of course there is [MOLOKOV] I think Mr. Sergievsky must lose the match and come home. Do you not agree? [WALTER] Sure, but there are others beside Vassy we wish to see come home [MOLOKOV] That should not be a problem. Do we have a deal? [WALTER] We have a deal, and everybody wins [MOLOKOV] Except Anatoly [WALTER] But he gets the lovely Svetlana