Billy the Kid I'll sing you a true song of Billy the Kid I'll sing of the desperate deeds that he did Way out in New Mexico, long long ago When a man's only chance was his own 44 When Billy, the kid was a very young lad In the old Silver City, he went to the bad Way out in the West with a gun in his hand At the age of twelve years, he first killed his man Fair Mexican maidens play guitars and sing A song about Billy, the boy bandit king How ere his young manhood had reached its sad end He'd a notch on his pistol for twenty-one men 'Twas on the same night when poor Billy died He said to his friends, "I am not satisfied There are twenty-one men I have put bullets through And sheriff Pat Garrett must make twenty-two" Now this is how Billy, the kid met his fate The bright moon was shining, the hour was late Shot down by Pat Garrett who once was his friend The young outlaw's life had now come to its end There's many a man with a face fine and fair Who starts out in life with a chance to be square But just like poor Billy, he wanders astray And loses his life in the very same way