Dreaming My Dreams With You Dreaming my dreams with you--Alison Krauss I hope that I won't be that wrong anymore I hope that I've learned this time I hope that I find what I'm reaching for The way that it is in my mind Someday I'll get over you I'll live to see it all through But I'll always miss Dreaming my dreams with you I won't let it change me Not if I can I'd rather believe in love And give it away As much as I can To those that I'm fondest of Someday I'll get over you I'll live to see it all through But I'll always miss Dreaming my dreams with you Someday I'll get over you I'll live to see it all through But I'll always miss Dreaming my dreams with you 〝上帝赋予她对乡村音乐的天赋,她则努力 地创新、不愿流於形式化!〞--Country Music杂志 "有许多可以赞美的地方,包括她那如丝绸 般令人舒服的歌声,和可以演唱多种风格的 唱腔。"--People杂志